Basic Mentoring (consulting - details below)
3 month commitment @ 2 x 20-30min session per month
20-30min of time each / email / messaging / phone
$400/mo x 3 = $1200 commitment
Mentorship (consulting - details below)
3 month commitment @ 1 x 30min session per week
30min of time each / email / messaging / phone
$700/mo x 3 = $2100 commitment
Advanced Mentorship (consulting - details below)
3 month commitment @ 1x 30min session per WEEK
30min of time each / email / messaging / phone
TBD: based on individual needs and time to design and work.
ALL Mentorship (consulting) Programs Cover the following:
Program design/redesign (apply changes to existing training programs)
Access to Existing PSE services (programs)
Create a New Program that revolves around current life.
*This may fall into Advanced Mentorship only if timing requires
Implement new strategies into existing program.
(Example) Breath practice as: Stand alone, incorporated into current strength & conditioning and or endurance program.
Stress management (Examples: exercise, exposure (heat/cold), breath work (hypoxic, control, altitude)
Basic strategies and how to apply to daily routine. Specifically retraining the physiology and creating opportunity for better decisions under stress (plasticity).
Basic Consult
1hr of my time
1 person / $500hr
2ppl / $800hr
Groups (3ppl+) $1000hr
for consults, bookings, private speaking or events please email: